Malaysia - Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia - Reisverslagen van Carol Phua - Malaysia - Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia - Reisverslagen van Carol Phua -
Malaysia - Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia

A trip to see WWF Malaysia's Semporna PCA project sites, and meet the new team. Following the trip to Borneo I will travel to WWF Malaysia head office for a strategy meeting.

Recente Reisverslagen:

30 Maart 2011

Sisters are doing it for themselves on Pandanan!

28 Maart 2011

OMA is in Omadal and Menampilik.

27 Maart 2011

from hot & humid to cool seabreezes

Carol Phua is a Senior Marine Advisor at WWF Netherlands and has been working in Marine and Fisheries conservation for 10 years. She has been working for WWF for almost 8 years, 5 of which at WWF's European Policy Office in Brussels. She is the co-author of Goede Visgids (Dutch Seafood Guide) and has been involved in several stakeholder foras for fisheries management in Europe. Carol has Bachelor of Applied Science in Natural Systems and Wildlife Management from the University of Queensland (Australia) and a Master of Science in Aquaculture and Fisheries Biology from Wageningen University. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Theology at the University of Aberdeen. Carol's current portfolio mainly includes fisheries/marine policy and project management (field projects,Project Oceans) in the following regions: Malaysia (Coral Triangle region), Mediterranean, Latin America & Carribean and the High Seas.

Actief sinds 07 Dec. 2010
Verslag gelezen:
Totaal aantal bezoekers 18562

Voorgaande reizen:

09 April 2011 - 16 April 2011

Scotland - University of Aberdeen

24 Maart 2011 - 04 April 2011

Malaysia - Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia

30 Maart 2011 - 04 April 2011

Kuala Lumpur- WWF Malaysia

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